Jiwa Damai - organic garden & retreat center

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Seminar in Bali

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is my pleasure to inform you that the seminar dates for an advanced transpersonal intensive “Through the Heart to the Self” have been set and it will take place in Bali at Jiwa Damai Agro-, Retreat- and Seminar center. (For details about the place and location: www.jiwadamai.net ) .
The seminar is offered in collaboration with Surabaya University, social psychology laboratory, faculty of psychology, the PsychoPolitical Peace Institute of Switzerland and Lagu Damai Foundation in Bali.

I look forward seeing you in Bali in October,

Cordially ,
Margret Rueffler

The first of four planned modules will take place on : Fri October 10 - Su October 12.

For whom: Professionals in the teaching, healthcare, social and supervision fields wanting to acquire in depth skills and knowledge in a transpersonal empowering psychotherapeutic approach working with individuals and groups

Course content: Definition and deepening of quality and empowerment in my personal and professional life, introducing quality and empowerment into every day interaction with others, personal boundaries, closeness and distance, the professional attitude, comportment and role, Self assessing quality in the interaction with others, basic competences as a supervisor, applying transpersonal psychotherapeutic techniques, preventing burnout, effects of psychological processes on the brain, individual versus group work.

Cognitive learning aspects: Spirituality and its transpersonal developmental stages in different schools of thought

Experiential learning aspects: Heart exercises, unfolding the qualities of the heart, identification with the Self, individual psychodynamic structures, psycho-energetic sensibilisation, applied psychotherapeutic techniques.

Application: In your personal, familial and professional life, working with individuals and groups
Skills: using empowering language in the personal and professional setting, dis-identification in emotionally stressfull situations, identification with the inner voice, application of new techniques
Methods: experiential learning, meditation, movement, lecture, theorie, discussion in dyads and group, application in teaching and supervision situation, case samples

Facilitator: Margret Rueffler, Ph.D., MA, dipl Ac.(NCCAOM), transpersonal psychotherapist and acupuncturist.

Date: Fri 10 – Su October 12, 2008

Times: See below

Cost: 2.500.000.- IRP per person. A minimum of 12 participants are required for the workshop to take place. In order to allow for an in depth training, the number of participants will be between twelve and fifteen.

Please register as soon as you can since the number of participants is restricted. Latest registration date September 15, 2008

Registration via email: margret.r@pppi.net

To confirm your registration kindly transfer the amount of Rp 2.500.000.- with your registration to the following account: Yayasan Lagu Damai, JL Raya Andong, Ubud Bali, Acct: 0049401053 Bank Negara Indonesia,Ubud,Bali, Swift Code: BNI NI DJA

Cancellation policies: Cancellation prior to four weeks of seminar begin will be refunded less an administration fee of 200.000.- Cancellation received less then 7 days of commencement , half of the seminar fee will be returned. Cancellation after begin of the seminar, no refunds are made.
Included in the cost are: 2 nights accommodation and food ,workshop kit, printed documentation, cultural night, two Hata Yoga classes, visit to a children’s Legong class(time subject to change), seminar, certificate.

Airfare and transer are on your own account. Should you wish to have us arrange for the transfer to and from the airport to Jiwa Damai, we will gladly do it. The cost is 200 000 Rp per car with driver.

For those wanting to visit Ubud, a car will be standing by in the evening. Cost return trip 100.000 Rp

In depth transpersonal Seminar , Fri October 10 – Su October 12, 2008

Friday Oct 10

Morning- arrival in Jiwa Damai, individual checking in
12.00 Lunch
13.30 Session one
15.00 – 15.20 Break
15.20 - 17.30 Session two
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Market place, room for creating a transpersonal organization
21.30 Evening meditation

Saturday Oct 11
07.00 Yoga class
08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session three
11.00 – 11.15 Break
11.30 – 13.00 Session four
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Session five
15.45 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.30 Session six
18.30 Dinner
19.30 – 21.00 Cultural event, Bamboo Gamelan group with Balinesian dancers

Sunday October 12
07.00 Yoga
08.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session seven
10.45 -11.00 Break
11.15 – 12.30 session eight
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Visit Leggong dance class for children in the Banjar. ( time and class subject to change)
15.00 Individual departure and transfer to the airport or other places.

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